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Festival de Marseille

Sorcières / Kimpa Vita

DeLaVallet Bidiefono

Brazzaville / Paris
dance music Premiere

An Iconic figure of Africa nicknamed the “Congolese Joan of Arc”, Kimpa Vita has inspired DeLaVallet Bidiefono to create a powerful, intense show with a rock vibe featuring a dancer, a singer and a musician. A performance that merges arts and personalities in a tribute to the struggle of woman conquerors past and present...

Born in Pointe-Noire, a coastal city open to the world, the Congolese choreographer and dancer DeLaVallet Bidiefono has always been eager to reach out to others. First in Brazzaville, then in Europe, his aim has been to talk about difference, diversity and living together: a personal journey that underlies several of his collective pieces (Utopia, Monstres, etc.). Today, he brings to life Kimpa Vita, a woman who, in 1704, became a committed prophetess advocating for the independence of her country, for freedom, and for all women struggling against oppression. The dancer Florence Gnarigo embodies this martyr, who was arrested, tried for heresy and burned at the stake. In the text written by the author, director and actor Dieudonné Niangouna, who has worked with the choreographer for a long time, Kimpa Vita moves across a battlefield, her steps gradually becoming more assertive and self-assured as the sandy ground becomes littered with glowing embers. Her battle armour is woven before our eyes. The music of Benoît Lugué and the voice of Malagasy vocalist Dina Mialinelina accompany her and carry her along. Organic dance, precise gestures and the strength of words give the piece a remarkably intense evocative power.

In corealisation with Théâtre Joliette

Practical information

Duration : 1h

Age : 12 and over

Warning : loud sound 

Bar and restauration on place

Where ?
Théâtre Joliette
Carsharing available here from June 3 

2, place Henri-Verneuil, 2e

tel. 04 91 90 74 28

Métro - 2 arrêt Joliette

Tram - 2, 3 arrêt Euroméditerranée-Gantès

Bus - 35, 82 arrêt Le Silo, 49 arrêt Collège Izzo

Vélo - station Euroméditerranée Gantes

Parking - Urbis Park Euromed Center


Price 10€

Book !


Conception et chorégraphie : DeLaVallet Bidiefono

Danseuse : Florence Gnarigo

Chanteuse : Dina Mialinelina

Musicien : Benoit Lugué

Texte : Dieudonné Niangouna

Scénographie : Estelle Duriez

Création lumière : Stéphane ‘Babi’ Aubert

Création sonore : Marvin Jean

Régisseur plateau : Cléo Konongo

Direction technique : Martin Julhès

Production et diffusion : Emilia Petrakis, puis Philippe Naulot

Administration : Jérémie Damamme, puis Philippe Naulot 

Coproduction : Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg 

Photographies : © Alban Van Wassenhove, Ph. Lebruman

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